Harnessing collective action to scale-up person-centred mental health and HIV services for young people
Yves Miel ZUNIGA
United for Global Mental Health, Philippines
Building upon the success of the AIDS 2022 Conference, there is a need to sustain the momentum and to translate commitments into tangible actions to support the integration of person-centered mental health and HIV services for young people. This spotlight session aims to bring attention to the unique mental health and psychosocial challenges faced by young people living with and vulnerable to HIV acquisition and identify entry points for action. The session will highlight the current evidence base, as well as draw from implementation experience across the health system and communities through a panel discussion and open dialogue with the audience. Key questions to be addressed will include: What works and for whom? How do we demonstrate impact? How do we take pilot interventions to scale? What are the programmatic and financial barriers and enablers?
5 min
Introduction of speakers
United for Global Mental Health, Philippines
10 min
Integrating mental health interventions for HIV prevention and care
World Health Organisation, Switzerland
10 min
Leveraging DREAMS Safe Spaces to offer integrated mental health and HIV services in western Kenya
PATH, United States
10 min
Putting young people at the heart of person-centred mental health and HIV services in Vietnam
Lighthouse Social Enterprise, Vietnam
20 min
Q & A
United for Global Mental Health, Philippines
5 min
United for Global Mental Health, Switzerland