TUPEC18 Empowering adolescent school girls with SKILLZ: 6-month follow-up results from a cluster randomized trial in Lusaka, ZambiaPoster exhibitionHIV testing
EPD0572 Empathy-based training of HIV treatment peer supporters improves performance and reduces treatment interruptions: experience from the I CAN Campaign in MalawiE-posterSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to HIV
TUPEA05 Emergence of genetically-distinct HIV-1 populations is associated with transient virological control during analytical interruption of antiretroviral therapyPoster exhibitionUnderstanding and targeting persistent HIV reservoirs
EPC0462 Elimination through Inclusion: capacity building of community health workers, improvement in supply chain, data recording and reporting system resulted in improved PMTCT outcomes: innovation from Global fund supported Ahana projectE-posterHIV testing
EPA0016 Elevated plasma galectin-9 among vertically infected youth with HIV on ART is associated with Iinflammation and cognitive performanceE-posterHIV pathogenesis
EPC0306 Elevated homocysteine may mediate the association of HIV with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis among middle-aged adultsE-posterEpidemiology of HIV
EPB0190 eGFR change after transitioning to DTG-based ART at Newlands Clinic in Zimbabwe: a cohort studyE-posterClinical complications of HIV and antiretroviral therapy
TUPEB02 Efficacy of dolutegravir plus lamivudine in treatment-naive people living with HIV without baseline drug-resistance testing: week 24 results of the randomized D2ARLING studyPoster exhibitionAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
TUPEE08 Efficacy of a multi-level pilot intervention to reduce discrimination faced by MSM and transgender women in public hospitals in India: findings from a pre-/post-test quasi-experimental trial among healthcare workersPoster exhibitionHealth systems, health systems strengthening and partnerships
TUPEB03 Efficacy and safety of switching older adults (≥60 years) from first-line art to B/F/TAF in Kenya - a randomized clinical trial (the B/F/TAF elderly study)Poster exhibitionAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
971 - 980 of 1427 items