EPC0381 A scalable program dramatically increases PrEP initiation in ChinaE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0382 HIV seroconversion in PrEP users in Indonesia; a survival analysisE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0383 Why I quit oral pre- exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? A qualitative synthesis exploring PrEP discontinuation among rural female sex workers in rural UgandaE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0384 The cascade of oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness, use and continuation among gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in 16 countries/territories in Asia and AustraliaE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0385 Evaluating pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake and adherence outcomes among adolescents and young adults aged 10-24: a global systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-synthesisE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0386 Developing and validating a screening tool for female genital schistosomiasis in urban ZambiaE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0387 Temporal change of PrEP use and adherence in MSM: pill fatigue or COVID-19 effect?E-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0388 Bridging the gap: the impact of an empowerment based intervention on the knowledge of biomedical HIV prevention tools among sub-Saharan African precarious immigrants in France. Results from the Makasi projectE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0389 Factors associated with retention of adolescents, girls, and young women in an HIV prevention program in South AfricaE-posterHIV prevention research
EPC0390 Improvements in uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision in MalawiE-posterHIV prevention research
931 - 940 of 1427 items