EPC0378 | Use Patterns of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among transgender women at a transgender-led health clinic in Thailand | E-poster | HIV prevention research |
TUPEB13 | Use of second-generation INSTIs in the treatment of children and adolescents in Mexico. A real-life national experience | Poster exhibition | Antiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in infants, children and adolescents |
EPC0321 | Use of recent HIV surveillance data to respond to ongoing HIV transmission in Malawi | E-poster | Surveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic |
EPA0021 | Urethral microbiome of South African cis-gender men and transwomen with and without bacterial sexually transmitted infections | E-poster | HIV pathogenesis |
EPE0847 | Uptake of screening services and prevalence of cervical cancer among women living with HIV (WLHIV) in military health facilities in Uganda | E-poster | Implementation science and scale up of treatment |
EPC0446 | Uptake of Oral PrEP among the General Population as a Key Component in HIV Prevention: A Case of Nakuru County in Kenya | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
OAE0204 | Uptake of integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for youth at community centres in Zimbabwe | Oral abstract session with live Q&A | Integration of HIV services with other health and support services |
EPE0772 | Uptake of clinic-based HIV treatment and prevention services following HIV testing at and referral from private pharmacies in Kenya | E-poster | Implementation science and scale up of HIV testing |
EPB0247 | Uptake and outcomes of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF) –based therapy in children and young people living with HIV (CLWHIV) in the European Pregnancy and Paediatric Infections Cohort Collaboration (EPPICC) | E-poster | Antiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in infants, children and adolescents |
LBEPX56 | Uptake and adherence of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya: a cross-sectional socioecological analysis | E-poster | HIV prevention research |