EPC0343 A force to reckon with: loss to follow up of children and adolescents in HIV care in Uganda, 2017 - 2021E-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPC0344 Assessing 95-95-95 progress in cities across four regionsE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPC0345 Measuring HIV and hepatitis C incidence during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cohort of people who inject drugsE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPC0346 Interest in and acceptability of dried blood spot (DBS) sampling in a bio-behavioural surveillance study among men who have sex with men in Aotearoa New Zealand​​​​E-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPC0347 Vertical transmission dynamics by age group – exploratory research findings from 9 Health Facilities in MozambiqueE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
LBEPC21 HIV transmission clusters in Zambia are smaller than in Europe: evidence from the HPTN-071 (PopART) study, BEEHIVE study, and individual-based modelsE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
LBEPC22 Preliminary results of the bio behavioral survey among prisoners in MozambiqueE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
MOPEC04 Molecular and phylodynamic approaches to the characterisation of HIV-1 transmission: a genomic epidemiological study in Victoria, AustraliaPoster exhibitionSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
MOPEC05 Silent transfer determination using HIV recency testing in Lusaka Province of Zambia: experience from the Catholic Relief Services Epidemic Control 90-90-90 (EpiC 3-90) projectPoster exhibitionSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
MOPEC06 New metrics for understanding trends in undiagnosed HIV among key populationsPoster exhibitionSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
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