MOPEC12 HIV risk among men who have sex with both men and women in Australia: findings from national behavioural surveillance surveysPoster exhibitionModelling the HIV epidemic
EPD0625 HIV risk perceptions, knowledge, and information sources among reproductive-aged individuals in KenyaE-posterSocial, political, legal and behavioural determinants of health in different contexts
EPC0453 HIV self-test distribution to HIV key populations by pharmacy channel through the Sate-Cha digital platform in MyanmarE-posterHIV testing
EPE0804 HIV self-testing as an entry point to PrEP services in NigeriaE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
TUPEC17 HIV self-testing education on TikTok: a content analysisPoster exhibitionHIV testing
EPC0472 HIV self-testing in men who have sex with men in Argentina: high acceptability and the importance of tailored implementationE-posterHIV testing
TUPEC16 HIV self-testing in real-world use, a tool to end HIV in ThailandPoster exhibitionHIV testing
EPC0382 HIV seroconversion in PrEP users in Indonesia; a survival analysisE-posterHIV prevention research
EPD0596 HIV stigma, mental health and substance use in transgender women with HIV: results of the first year of follow-up in the TransCITAR cohortE-posterSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to HIV
EPC0422 HIV testing, prevention, treatment and medication-assisted therapy achievements for people who inject drugs in CDC/PEPFAR-supported countries, 2021-2022E-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
641 - 650 of 1427 items