LBPEE01 Feasibility of long-acting injectable cabotegravir PrEP initiation and administration by community health workers and early aspects of the PrEP injection care continuum in a primary care center in Washington D.C.Poster exhibitionImplementation science and scale up of prevention
EPC0373 Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of LifeSteps for PrEP for Youth (ATN 158) to enhance PrEP engagementE-posterHIV prevention research
EPE0819 Feasibility, acceptability, and uptake of remote PrEP care in a real-world settingE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
EPB0154 Finding missing tuberculosis (TB) cases in Ugandan military health facilities through use of mobile digital X-ray services and technology (Mobile TB Clinics)E-posterCo-infections (including opportunistic infections)
TUPEE19 First electronic viral load assisted ordering and reporting application: increased data interoperability to improve viral load testing and monitoring in Lao PDRPoster exhibitionInnovations in data collection, monitoring and evaluation
OAA0303 Follicular T helper cells (TFH) are a minor source of the active HIV reservoir in secondary lymphoid tissues of people with HIV (PWH) on prolonged suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART)Oral abstract session with live Q&AUnderstanding and targeting persistent HIV reservoirs
EPC0294 Food insecurity is associated with poor mental health among PLHIV in Togo, West AfricaE-posterEpidemiology of HIV
EPB0203 Frailty transition among older adults living with HIV in Thailand: a five-year prospective cohort studyE-posterHIV and ageing
EPA0026 Frequencies of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells immune activation are reduced in PLWH after 5 years of antiretroviral therapyE-posterHIV pathogenesis
LBEPX57 From clients to providers: strengthening literacy to improve PrEP outcomesE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
551 - 560 of 1427 items