EPC0404 PrEP uptake, modality and sources in Aotearoa New Zealand: findings from national bio-behavioural surveillanceE-posterHIV prevention research
EPD0715 PrEP knowledge and HIV risk among Queensland Tertiary studentsE-posterKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
EPC0405 PrEP in Puerto Rico: Are we there yet?E-posterHIV prevention research
EPD0653 PrEP for women – another purview paradox? A qualitative analysis of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis prescribing for Australian cisgender womenE-posterKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
EPC0341 PrEP Equity by sex and age, United States, 2012-2021E-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPD0746 PrEP beyond HIV: decision making about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among Australian gay and bisexual men during the COVID-19 pandemicE-posterSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to COVID-19
OAC0504 PrEP and service utilization among sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) were significantly improved with an intervention that includes multiple intervention strategies: automated text messages, peer support and coachingOral abstract session with live Q&APopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
LBEPC22 Preliminary results of the bio behavioral survey among prisoners in MozambiqueE-posterSurveillance: Measuring the HIV epidemic
EPE0948 Preliminary results from integrating interpersonal psychotherapy groups in DREAMS initiatives for AGYW in ZambiaE-posterIntegration of HIV services with other health and support services
EPE0814 Preliminary learnings from TelePrEP – Vietnam’s first large-scale telehealth programE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
391 - 400 of 1427 items