EPB0220 Probability of single tablet regimens BIC/FTC/TAF, E/C/F/TAF, RPV/FTC/TAF, DTG/RPV or DTG/ABC/3TC discontinuation at 18 months in real life settings in the ANRS-CO3 - AquiVIH-NA cohortE-posterAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
EPE0884 Private sector financing to sustain health systems for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Lagos State through the ICHSSA 2 projectE-posterGlobal and national financing, economic evaluation and sustainability
EPC0428 Prioritizing nutrition in the management of advanced HIV disease in Zimbabwe – secondary data analysis from the electronic Patient Management System (ePMS)E-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
OAB0202 Prior M184V/I and multiple prior virological failures have no impact on the efficacy of switching HIV+ adults to DTG/3TC through 96Wks in SOLAR-3DOral abstract session with live Q&AAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
EPE0921 Primary healthcare (PHC) readiness on back-referral policy in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services provisionE-posterHealth systems, health systems strengthening and partnerships
LBEPC27 Prevention effective PrEP use in pregnancy and postpartum: evaluation of alignment of oral PrEP use and sex behaviors in South AfricaE-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPB0165 Preventing weight gain for people with HIV on ART in South Africa: a qualitative interview study of perspectives and potential strategiesE-posterCo-morbidities
EPC0408 Prevalence of unmet need for family planning and unintended pregnancies among women of reproductive age living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysisE-posterSexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention
TUPEC04 Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis in South African adolescent girls and adult women at high risk of HIV acquisitionPoster exhibitionSexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention
EPC0415 Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among HIV negative and HIV positive young women 18-24 years old in MozambiqueE-posterSexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention
361 - 370 of 1427 items