OALBC0603 Acceptability of CAB-LA in cisgender female adolescents in South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe (HPTN 084-01)Oral abstract session with live Q&APopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPE0793 Acceptability of a telehealth PrEP care intervention for young men who have sex with men and transgender women in California and FloridaE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
EPE0848 Accelerating PrEP services uptake through a mobile application among key populations: learnings from a pilot project in UgandaE-posterImplementation science and scale up of treatment
EPE0845 Accelerating achievement of the 95-95-95 targets using a paediatric and adolescent matrix of interventionsE-posterImplementation science and scale up of treatment
EPA0014 Accelerated biological aging is associated with intestinal barrier permeability and microbial translocation during antiretroviral therapy suppressed HIV infectionE-posterHIV pathogenesis
TUPED07 Abstinence from the perspective of men who have sex with men and live in Padang, a religious city in IndonesiaPoster exhibitionKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OALBA0504 Absence of viral rebound for 18 months without antiretrovirals after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with wild-type CCR5 donor cells to treat a biphenotypic sarcomaOral abstract session with live Q&ANovel treatment and prevention strategies
EPD0597 A socio-ecological analysis of the barriers and facilitators to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among transgender persons in four districts in South AfricaE-posterSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to HIV
OALBX0103 A social network-based intervention increases HIV self-testing and linkage to health facilities among fishermen in KenyaOral abstract session with live Q&APopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPB0225 A Site-driven CQI intervention improves advanced HIV disease screening coverage among newly diagnosed people living with HIV in MalawiE-posterAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
1351 - 1360 of 1427 items