OAA0105 Are moto-neurons susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection?Oral abstract session with live Q&ASARS-CoV-2 virology, pathogenesis, and host immune responses, vaccines and immunotherapies
TUPED08 Archetypes of PrEP discontinuation among transgender women in the United States: a longitudinal, mixed methods cohort studyPoster exhibitionKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
EPE0985 Applying machine learning methods to improve quality of HIV people monitoring data in VietnamE-posterInnovations in data collection, monitoring and evaluation
MOPED01 Application of information-motivation-behavioural skills (IMB) HIV prevention model on hepatitis B virus infection prevention among pregnant women in Central Uganda: a baseline for a comparative interventional study on HIV/HBV preventionPoster exhibitionSocial science theories, concepts and methods
EPD0675 Applicability and acceptability of differentiated HIV service delivery among men who have sex with men in Kenya: a qualitative studyE-posterKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OALBA0505 Anti-SIV Env RhmAbs +/- CD8a depletion and N-803 in ART-suppressed rhesus macaques leads to post-treatment control of viremia in a subset of animalsOral abstract session with live Q&AUnderstanding and targeting persistent HIV reservoirs
EPB0173 Antiretroviral treatment as a protective factor for dysplasia and HPV infection in people living with HIV (PLHIV)E-posterCo-morbidities
EPD0752 Antiretroviral supply disruption contributed to depression and anxiety among Indonesian men who have sex with men (MSMs) and Transwomen/Waria (TGWs) during early COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional studyE-posterSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to COVID-19
LBEPB18 Anti-PD-L1 antibody ASC22 in combination with chidamide potentiates HIV latency reversal and immune function from ART-suppressed individuals: a single center, single-arm, phase 2 studyE-posterOther strategies and therapies
OAA0205 Anti-PD-1 chimeric antigen receptor T cells efficiently target SIV-infected CD4+ T cells in germinal centers of rhesus macaquesOral abstract session with live Q&ANovel treatment and prevention strategies
1291 - 1300 of 1427 items