EPE0807 Sex worker-led health service delivery is effective and needed for reaching unreached sex workers in ThailandE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
EPE0920 Sexual gender based violence cases among children aged 10-14years longitudinal follow up on linkages and referralsE-posterHealth systems, health systems strengthening and partnerships
EPD0713 Sexual health and rights advocacy among marginalized young women during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Global SouthE-posterKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
EPD0711 Sexual violence reported against Key and Vulnerable Population (KP) without condomE-posterKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
EPD0740 Sexualised drug use (chemsex) among young gay men: experiences from a virtual HIV intervention programme in IndiaE-posterSexualities and sexual cultures: Meanings, identities, norms and communities
LBPED02 Sexualized and non-sexualized substance use among transgender women: prevalence, harms, and associated factors from the Tangerine Clinic Cohort in Bangkok, ThailandPoster exhibitionKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OAB0304 Short-course rifapentine-based regimens for latent tuberculosis infection among people living with HIV who received integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapyOral abstract session with live Q&ACo-infections (including opportunistic infections)
EPC0461 Should caregiver-assisted testing with HIV self-test kits be offered as an additional HIV testing approach for children 18 months and older? A systematic review and meta-analysisE-posterHIV testing
EPC0458 Should HIV self-testing be offered as an additional testing option in health facilities?: A systematic review and meta-analysisE-posterHIV testing
OALBC0602 Should social network testing be offered as an additional HIV testing approach? A GRADE systematic review and meta-analysisOral abstract session with live Q&AHIV testing
1181 - 1190 of 1427 items