EPB0165 Preventing weight gain for people with HIV on ART in South Africa: a qualitative interview study of perspectives and potential strategiesE-posterCo-morbidities
LBEPC27 Prevention effective PrEP use in pregnancy and postpartum: evaluation of alignment of oral PrEP use and sex behaviors in South AfricaE-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPE0921 Primary healthcare (PHC) readiness on back-referral policy in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services provisionE-posterHealth systems, health systems strengthening and partnerships
OAB0202 Prior M184V/I and multiple prior virological failures have no impact on the efficacy of switching HIV+ adults to DTG/3TC through 96Wks in SOLAR-3DOral abstract session with live Q&AAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
EPC0428 Prioritizing nutrition in the management of advanced HIV disease in Zimbabwe – secondary data analysis from the electronic Patient Management System (ePMS)E-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPE0884 Private sector financing to sustain health systems for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Lagos State through the ICHSSA 2 projectE-posterGlobal and national financing, economic evaluation and sustainability
EPB0220 Probability of single tablet regimens BIC/FTC/TAF, E/C/F/TAF, RPV/FTC/TAF, DTG/RPV or DTG/ABC/3TC discontinuation at 18 months in real life settings in the ANRS-CO3 - AquiVIH-NA cohortE-posterAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
EPE0810 Process mapping to support delivery of long-acting injectable cabotegravir for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis within public health systems: the ImPrEP CAB Brasil studyE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
EPC0423 Program description of pioneer medication assisted therapy services in Kampala, Uganda, 2020-2022E-posterPopulation-specific interventions for HIV prevention
EPE0815 Programmatic review of the national scale-up of the HIV oral pre-exposure prophylaxis to public health facilities in South Africa: progress, challenges, and lessons learntE-posterImplementation science and scale up of prevention
1061 - 1070 of 1427 items