EPC0423 | Program description of pioneer medication assisted therapy services in Kampala, Uganda, 2020-2022 | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0422 | HIV testing, prevention, treatment and medication-assisted therapy achievements for people who inject drugs in CDC/PEPFAR-supported countries, 2021-2022 | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0421 | Increasing the uptake of PrEP services using quality improvement approach in Gulu Regional Referral Hospital - Northern Uganda | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0420 | Randomized trial of "fresh start" SMS text messaging to improve return to care among people living with HIV who have missed scheduled clinic appointments in South Africa | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0419 | iPARTY: increasing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) access and reach through telehealth for young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Singapore | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0418 | Comparing PrEP initiation rates among HIV-negative high-risk adolescents and young adults: a population-based prospective study in a high HIV prevalent district in South Africa | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0417 | Met gender affirming care needs is associated with accessing HIV services among transgender people in a community-led clinic in Metro Manila, Philippines | E-poster | Population-specific interventions for HIV prevention |
EPC0416 | Stigma and unfulfilled needs in sexual and reproductive health services for people who have sex between vulvas in Brazil | E-poster | Sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention |
EPC0415 | Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among HIV negative and HIV positive young women 18-24 years old in Mozambique | E-poster | Sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention |
EPC0414 | Strengthening provision of sexual and reproductive health knowledge and services to adolescent girls and young women through DREAMS in Nyamagana, Mwanza Region | E-poster | Sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention |