
BACKGROUND: Though a UNAIDS 2021 report shows that, between 2010 and 2020, Togo halved AIDS-related deaths in children ages 0–14, available data show low dolutegravir coverage (DTG-C) and viral load suppression (VLS) among children living with HIV (CLHIV). This analysis presents data and solutions to improve DTG-C, viral load coverage (VLC), and VLS among CLHIV at selected public health facilities. The work was supported by the PEPFAR- and USAID-funded EAWA project, which is implemented by FHI 360.
DESCRIPTION: Routinely collected data were analyzed for CLHIV ages 14 and younger from October 2019 through September 2022. We assessed the proportion of CLHIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART) who received a dolutegravir-based regimen; VLC, calculated as CLHIV with a documented viral load test result (VLTR) among those on ART; VLS, calculated as CLHIV with a documented VLTR below 1,000 copies among those with a VLTR. Between October 2019 and September 2020, only half were on a dolutegravir-based regimen, less than half had a documented VLTR, and 64% reached VLS. A team was tasked with implementing solutions based on roots cause analysis: Eligible CLHIV were line listed and contacted for starting/transitioning to dolutegravir and collecting viral load samples; ART adherence support was provided; monthly dolutegravir stock monitoring was conducted; pending test results were tracked through a laboratory focal person; VLTR were documented; and CLHIV were informed within one week from test result. Granular data were used to prioritize technical assistance to sites with lowest DTG-C, VLC, and VLS.
LESSONS LEARNED: From October 2019–September 2020, October 2020–September 2021, and October 2021–September 2022, an increase was observed in the following indicators among CLHIV: DTG-C from 52% to 64% to 71%, respectively; VLC from 48% to 85% to 90%, respectively; and VLS from 64% to 70% to 82%, respectively. A positive trend in indicators was observed when disaggregated by age (Table 1).

Table 1. Dolutegravir, viral load coverage, and viral load suppression by age band, by year, Togo

Oct 2019 - Sep 2020Oct 2020 - Sep 2021Oct 2021 - Sep 2022

0-45-910-14total 0-140-45-910-14total 0-140-45-910-14total 0-14
Current on ART4066007171,7234286938071,9285108411,0462,397
Dolutegravir-based regimen30%91%33%52%47%99%43%64%68%97%46%71%
Documented VLTR115 (32%)248 (40%)432 (62%)795 (48%)272 (80%)507 (87%)620 (85%)1,399 (85%)372 (95%)676 (87%)834 (90%)1,882 (90%)
Virally suppressed 75 (65%)156 (63%)276 (64%)507 (64%)177 (65%)353 (70%)444 (72%)974 (70%)294 (79%)542 (80%)701 (84%)1,537 (82%)

CONCLUSIONS: Solutions that address root causes and granular data use were successful in increasing DTG-C, which resulted in increased VLC and VLS among CLHIV. Such approaches should be scaled up and become national standard of care.

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